Scholarships and Awards Applications

The following awards and scholarships are offered by The A.C.N.M. Foundation, Inc. Award applications currently being accepted have applications listed below. 

Coming Soon: Exciting Scholarship Opportunities!

We are thrilled to announce the future release of several prestigious scholarships and awards designed to support and empower aspiring individuals in their educational or midwifery journeys. Mark your calendars for these upcoming opportunities:

Dorothea M. Lang Pioneer Award

  • Posting Date: July 01, 2024
  • Application Deadline: August 16, 2024 

Texas Midwifery Creation Scholarship

  • Posting  Date: July 01, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 08, 2024 

Carrington-Hsia-Nieves Doctoral Scholarship

  • Posting Date: July 01, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 08, 2024 

Elizabeth Bear Education Leadership Fellowship

  • Posting Date: July 01, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 08, 2024 

Stay tuned for updates and detailed information about these incredible opportunities! Be sure to mark your calendars and visit this site periodically for more information on future scholarships, awards, and grants.

Hello!  Congrats once again on being one of our award recipients.  The A.C.N.M. Foundation Inc.'s vision is to Change lives One Gift At A Time.  Hopefully, we have accomplished this vision with the scholarship or award provided to you. Help us spread the word by providing us with a testimony for Marketing purposes. Please complete this brief form. We love to hear from you soon!

Thank you and have a peaceful day,

~The A.C.N.M. Foundation Inc. Team

PURPOSE: Honoring the legacy of Dorothea M. Lang, CNM, MPH, FACNM, the A.C.N.M. Foundation’s most prestigious honor - the Dorothea M. Lang Pioneer Award - recognizes exceptional CNMs/CMs with 20 or more years’ experience who embody Dorothea’s visionary leadership in midwifery worldwide. This esteemed award celebrates pioneering midwives who have shown foresight, guidance, and inventive action in one or more of the following ways:

  • Cultivated Broad Understanding of the Essence of Midwifery.
  • Spearheaded the Integration of Midwifery into Health Care Systems.
  • Initiated, Rescued, or Elevated Midwifery Practices or Education Programs.
  • Fostered Broad-Minded Midwifery Educational Frontiers.
  • Championed Policy and Advocacy for Full-Scope Midwifery Practice.
  • Advanced Midwifery Leadership and Advocacy Globally. 
  • Ensured Preservation of Midwifery History and Legacies.

(Please view the nominator guidance categories below.*)

AWARD AMOUNT: Determined annually and funded by the Sparacio Foundation, Inc. 

  • The Lang Award includes a monetary prize that the recipient may use at their discretion to enhance themselves or their work.



  • Be a CNM or CM certified for at least twenty (20) years.
  • Be a member of the ACNM. Individuals who are not current members of ACNM may apply now and, if selected for an award, become members before receiving their award.
  • Not a past recipient of ACNM’s Hattie Hemschemeyer Award (1977- 2020) or ACNM’s Lifetime Visionary Award (2021-present).
  • Not a current member of the A.C.N.M. Foundation Board of Trustees or the ACNM Board of Directors.
  • Note: Self-nominations are no longer permitted.

Complete applications must include the following:

  • Part 1: Nominee Information
  • Part 2: Nominator Information
  • Part 3: Statement of Achievements
  • Part 4: Impact on inclusive and equitable midwifery profession statement
  • Part 5: CV/Resume
  • Part 6: Letter of Support (one)
  • Part 7: Nominator Statement

*Nominator Guidance for Categories:

1. Cultivated Broad Understanding of the Essence of Midwifery: 

  • Assessment Criteria: Evaluate the candidate's ability to articulate and embody the transformative vision of midwifery care within health teams. Consider specific instances where their influence has illuminated the essential nature and potential impact of midwifery in diverse healthcare settings.

2. Spearheaded the Integration of Midwifery into Health Care Systems: 

  • Assessment Criteria: Examine the candidate's role in leading the innovative integration of midwifery into the complex fabric of the healthcare system. Assess the depth of their impact, considering systemic changes, increased accessibility, and improvements in patient care resulting from their initiatives.

3. Initiated, Rescued, or Elevated Midwifery Practices or Education Programs:

  • Assessment Criteria: Evaluate the candidate's initiatives in initiating, rescuing, enhancing, or revitalizing midwifery services and/or education programs. Look for evidence of commitment, innovative strategies, and measurable improvements in the sustainability and effectiveness of these programs.

4. Fostered Broad-Minded Midwifery Educational Frontiers: 

  • Assessment Criteria: Assess the candidate's efforts in fostering broad-minded educational pathways for professional midwives. Examine their contributions to creating inclusive educational environments and pathways that empower midwives, ensuring diversity, equity, and accessibility.

5. Championed Policy and Advocacy for Full-Scope Midwifery Practice: 

  • Assessment Criteria: Evaluate the candidate's impact on advancing legislative agendas for full-scope midwifery practice by CNMs and CMs. Examine their advocacy efforts, legislative achievements, and influence on policy changes that contribute to the broader recognition and acceptance of midwifery as a comprehensive healthcare practice.

6. Advanced Midwifery Leadership and Advocacy Globally: 

  • Assessment Criteria: Consider the candidate's impact and influence on midwifery practice and education globally. Evaluate their contributions to advancing midwifery care, education, and advocacy on an international scale, as well as their efforts to promote global collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of midwifery.

7. Ensured Preservation of Midwifery History and Legacies:

  • Assessment Criteria: Examine the candidate's contributions to preserving and documenting the history, stories, and experiences of midwives. Evaluate their efforts in creating and maintaining archives or resources that honor the legacy of midwifery, ensuring that future generations can learn from and be inspired by the past.

FYI: A draft nomination can be created, and then the nominator can revisit this site to complete the application. Please email any questions to

       The purpose of the Texas Midwifery Creation Scholarship, established in 2016 by the Consortium of Texas CNMs (CTCNM), is to increase the number of practicing certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and certified midwives (CMs) in Texas. Applicants and awardees of this scholarship may also apply for other Foundation scholarships or awards.
       The scholarship provides financial support to student members of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) who are enrolled with good standing in an Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME) pre-accredited or accredited educational program and have a stated intention to practice as a CNM/CM in Texas. Priority is given to students with Texas roots (such as residence, family, education, or prior clinical work in Texas). Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are encouraged to apply.

       Each year, the scholarship is given to honor an individual or group who has contributed to midwifery in Texas through clinical practice, education, or advocacy. The first Texas Midwifery Creation Scholarships were given in memory of Nivia Nieves Fisch, CNM, FACNM, and in honor of Sr. Angela Murdaugh, CNM, MS, FACNM, both much-beloved legends in the Texas midwifery community. 

AWARD AMOUNT: $1,000.00 minimum
APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 08, 2024

  • Enrolled as a student in good standing in an ACME-accredited or pre-accredited basic midwifery education program
  • Current student member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). Individuals who are not current members of ACNM may apply now and, if selected for an award, become a member before receiving their award.
  • Have a stated intention to practice as a CNM/CM in Texas

Part 1 – Applicant Information & Statement Regarding Eligibility and Priority
Part 2 – Midwifery Education Program/ACNM Membership
Part 3 – Educational and Professional Background
Part 4 – Goals and Plans for Future Midwifery Practice in Texas
Part 5 – Statement about Texas Roots
Part 6 – Recommendation Form (Enclosed within the application with instructions.)
                 From ONE appropriate source who can specifically attest to the following, with evidence or examples if possible:

  • Your passion for the health and well-being of women, infants, and families.
  • Your potential for future contributions to the practice of midwifery in Texas.
  • Your commitment and passion to serving underrepresented groups in your community.           

Part 7 – Program Director - Faculty Recommendation Form –  (Enclosed within the application with instructions.)

       For your information, a draft of this application can be created, and applicants can revisit this site to complete it.
       Please email any questions to

     The Carrington-Hsia-Nieves Doctoral Scholarship for Midwives of Color is awarded to a CNM/CM of color who is actively enrolled in doctoral or post-doctoral education and a current member of ACNM. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage CNM/CMs of color to pursue doctoral education that prepares them for leadership roles in midwifery, clinical, and public health, while also pursuing evidence-based scholarly work focused on innovative approaches to improve maternal and child health, reduce health disparities, and promote health equity. Applicants are judged on excellence in the following areas: academic achievement/career plans, leadership potential, quality of a scholarly work sample, intended use of funds, future contributions to ACNM and midwifery, and academic recommendations. This award is named in honor of three of our most distinguished midwives of color: Betty Watts Carrington, CNM, Ph.D., FACNM; Lily Hsia, CNM, PNP, MSN, FACNM; and Nivia Nieves Fisch, CNM, FACNM. Funding comes from the A.C.N.M. Foundation's Midwives of Color Scholarship Fund. 

AWARD AMOUNT: $5,000.00
APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 08, 2024

  • Be a certified nurse-midwife (CNM) or a certified midwife (CM)
  • Be a current member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). Individuals who are not current members of ACNM may apply now and, if selected for an award, become a member before receiving their award.
  • Be actively enrolled in a doctoral or post-doctoral education program and be a student in good standing
  • Self-identify as a person of color
  • Not a member of the A.C.N.M. Foundation Board of Trustees


  • Part 1: Applicant Information
  • Part 2: Professional and Academic Background, including CV and Sample Scholarly Work
  • Part 3: Academic/Practice Career Plans
  • Part 4: Intended use of Funds/Budget Outline
  • Part 5: Future Contributions to ACNM & Midwifery
  • Part 6: Academic Program Verification - to be submitted by your program director; instructions are enclosed
  • Part 7: Academic Recommendations from two (2) individuals, with the preference that at least one is a CNM or CM; instructions are enclosed
  • Part 8: Applicant Statement

FYI: A draft of this application can be created, and applicants can revisit this site to complete the application. Please email any questions to

 The A.C.N.M. Foundation, Inc. announces the Elizabeth Bear Education Leadership Fellowship to be awarded to a certified nurse-midwife (CNM) or certified midwife (CM) pursuing a scientifically oriented doctoral or post-doctoral education program (i.e., PhD., ScD, DNSc, DrPH, etc.). This new fellowship is made possible through a generous gift from ACNM Past-President, Elizabeth "Betty" Bear, CNM, PhD, FACNM. The purpose of this fellowship is to support midwives pursuing doctoral education that will prepare them for future faculty and academic leadership roles; with a preference for those pursuing careers in schools of nursing, midwifery, or public health, as well as those with career goals related to academic equity and diversification of the midwifery and nursing academic workforce. Applicants are judged on professional and academic excellence; academic and leadership career plans; quality of a scholarly work sample; intended use of funds; plans for future contributions to ACNM, midwifery education, academia, and academic recommendations.  Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

AWARD AMOUNT: $2,500.00
APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 08, 2024

  • Be a current member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). Individuals who are not current members of ACNM may apply now and, if selected for an award, become a member before receiving their award.
  • Be actively enrolled and a student in good standing in a scientifically oriented doctoral or post-doctoral program, such as PhD, ScD, DNSc, DrPH, etc.  

Part 1: Applicant Information

Part 2: Doctoral Program Information

Part 3: Professional and Academic Background, including CV and Scholarly Work Sample

Part 4: Academic and Leadership Career Plans

Part 5:   Aspirations Related to Academic Equity and Diversification 

Part 6: Future Contributions to ACNM, Midwifery Education, and Academia

Part 7: Intended Use of Funds/Budget Outline

Part 8: Academic Program Verification Form - to be submitted by your program director. The form is enclosed within your application with instructions. 

Part 9: Academic Recommendations from two (2) individuals, with a preference that at least one is a CNM or CM. The form is enclosed within your application with instructions. 

Part 10: Applicant Statement

FYI: A draft of this application can be created and saved. Then, the site can be revisited to complete and submit. Please email any questions to